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Freak the Mighty Book Cover

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Letter to Susan Davis

David A. Ramirez
High Tech Middle Media Arts
2969 Franklin Ave.
San Diego, CA 92113
May 2, 2008

Susan Davis
Representative 53rd District
U.S. House of Representatives
1526 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Susan Davis,

My Name is David A. Ramirez, I am in the 6th grade at High Tech Middle Media Arts, I live in San Diego and I’m important because us children are the future of our government and the earth. I would be fond of you to listen to what I have to say.

I am deeply grateful for what you have done recently about this crisis we’re living in, Global Warming. You’ve strongly supported the CLEAN Energy Act, and co-sponsored many things like the Safe Climate Act and the legislation to increase fuel economy standards for automobiles to 35 miles per gallon, bill H.R. 1506.

I am sure you know the dangers of not using renewable energy, so I will tell you some stuff you might not know. I see that you are doing things about Wind Energy, like bill H.R. 197. But why not invest in other renewable energy sources like Solar Energy? Could you create new legislation that lowers the price on Solar Panels? If that happens, then the public would be able to purchase Solar Panels more easily than before, therefore lowering the use of electricity made by coal and lowering emissions. Then it would boost the economy because when people use solar panels, they save money and get money back when the electric companies purchase it from the people. Then the people will have more money to spend leisurely, therefore boosting the economy.

It might seem bad to switch to renewable energy in the short-term. But in the long run, we’ll benefit because it would lower emissions and the economy would be boosted due to the fact that the public has more money to spend and contribute to the economy. If we don’t switch to renewable energy soon, our economy will slowly get worse because of our dependence on oil. And when the resources of non-renewable energy run out, the economy will go chaotic and the great country of America might fall because of the economic crisis.

So I urge you to create new legislation that might boost our use of renewable energy use.

Sincerely, David A. Ramirez